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77% of Facebook video views include music, claims Pex

Earlier this month, we reported on startup Pex’s latest analysis of videos on YouTube, including its claim that music accounted for 5% of the total content on YouTube in 2019, but 22% of the views. Now Pex has published another report applying similar analysis to videos on Facebook.

“At the end of 2019, there were 1.29 billion videos on Facebook. Last year saw 279 million more videos uploaded than in 2018, a 28% increase. The average public video accrued 23,473 views and total views on the platform reached 30.25 trillion,” were some of the stats from Pex’s analysis.

“Perhaps most noteworthy of all, the top 2% of videos generated 86% of all views on Facebook,” it continued. But the juicy parts relate to music. “Not only is music prevalent in Facebook videos, but its presence coincides with higher view counts. We found that 49% of all videos on Facebook contain at least 10 seconds of music and that those videos account for 77% of all views.”