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Report shows 58% of Instagram videos contain music

Instagram’s move from photo-sharing app to being video-centric made it increasingly integral to music lovers.

IG users are more music-oriented than the general population, spend 30% more time listening to music each week and are twice as likely to pay for a streaming service, according to a 2018 Nielsen study.

A report released on the weekend by audio & video search engine Pex covering the year 2019, emphasises how important the platform is for the biz.

58% of IG videos contained at least 10 seconds of music— and “those videos made up 43.8% of all views, showing just how valuable music is to the platform.”

This is good news to musicians who use the platform toavidly promote their work, augment their celebrity status and interact with each other.

You’ll see more instances like the famous one of Justin Bieber telling his IG followers he’d release a Christmas album if he got 20 million likes.

The stakes are high: 1 billion people use IG a month, 63% log in a day.

They spend an average of 28 minutes per day, and an estimated half a million follow musicians.

There were 9.7 million users in Australia in March 2020 accounting for 38.1% of the population.

The majority were women (56.4%), especially in the 45 to 54 age group.

IG’s largest user group in Australia were the largest user group (3,200,000).

But interestingly, unlike on Facebook and YouTube, videos with music on IG don’t have higher views than those without music.

In fact, IG’s total views without music (56.2%) are higher than total views with music (43.8%).

This suggests that the personal nature of many Instagram videos dominates the viewing numbers more than the music used.