Startup Pex has spent the last year scanning YouTube (among other platforms) and analysing the videos that are being uploaded and watched. Now it has published a report with its findings.
It includes the estimate that the music category accounted for 5% of the total content on YouTube in 2019, but 22% of the total views. The latter stat is up from 20% in 2018, according to the same study a year ago.
There’s also some interesting data on the distribution of views on YouTube. “A mere 0.77% of videos generated 82.83% of the views in 2019,” claimed Pex.
Many of the uppermost tiers of YouTube videos by views are in the music category too. The report claimed that 30% of videos with between 10m and 100m views were music, and 57% of those with between 100m and 1bn views.
And for the tiny percentage of videos that got more than 1bn views in 2019? Music accounted for 83% of those.